Thursday, November 15, 2007

"mmmmm, melted plastic..."

In a recent issue of ReadyMade magazine there is a how-to guide about making your own melted plastic bowl. Besides the one in the mag being orange (my new thing this fall) it has a very cool form. Seems it's made of the plastic fencing material used in construction (you know those little pretend fences that won't keep anything in or out during road construction). I didn't have $40 to experiment using that particular material, so I found plastic canvas and had fun.

the last photo (my beloved orange one), as Homer Simpson would say, "is what happens when plastic says, 'No more'!" yes, it's plastic gone bad. oh well. that's what happened when I fooled around with the temp settings. it seems 50 degrees makes all the difference. the successful ones were heated in the oven at 400 degrees, and that seemed to work. not so good at 450!
I'd like to practice some more, on another day when I feel like getting a headache. the fumes weren't noticeable, but my headache sure is!

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