Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2 x 4

The assignment: using an 18" long common pine 2x4, and making at least six cuts into it, create a system that uses no adhesives or fasteners. And most importantly, create no waste! (use every piece of the board).

My first idea was to create a basket-woven type of piece... but the pieces I cut ended up being too thin or too thick. Using the thick pieces as the support structure/grid, I cut small slits into them to hold the other thinner pieces. What I loved about the thin ones were the feathering effects the bandsaw created inadvertently. Rather than label these as mistakes and start over, I really wanted to incorporate them into the "system" and utilize them as the featured component. A significant concept of my project was that I insisted that nothing be measured. Given such minimal parameters for the project, I really enjoyed this idea and the feeling of freedom that came from not measuring. I'll have plenty of time for that later, I'm sure!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i really liked your wood project because it had things that i never would have though of but your pictures are amazing i love them