Tuesday, September 2, 2008

week one, year two

The first week as a second year student in IARC could be summed up in one single yet effective word: HEADACHE. I realize that at the beginning of each semester it takes me a little while to adjust, and to figure out how to manage the course load and more importantly, how to find time to do the overwhelming amount of homework. I decided the best way to do that was for my entire family to get sick, and I would follow suit. As you can imagine, that didn't work out so well!

Regarding the classes this year, I am hopeful for the design history class since we are learning about a time period I am more familiar with. For the first time in that class I was able to fully appreciate the Roth book since it correlated to events and names I've studied before. I don't know what to expect with studio, except long days and longer projects. Wednesdays are going to be VERY long, but I have Excedrin for that! Most pressing is the format of working in groups. So far it has been chaotic and not much different than I expected.
Oh how I miss the days of individual projects!

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