Thursday, April 17, 2008

caring is creepy

our drawing class visited an amazing place today, aptly titled elsewhere.
this building houses the story of a woman who loved things. all things, and she cared enough about them to keep them for most of her life. you know those places owned by eccentric people who hoard things and never throw anything away, and end up with a house full of stuff and a little path to walk through? that's what elsewhere was, but now has been turned into an interactive art gallery/tribute to the eclectic. I loved it. It takes up two buildings downtown and is chock full of everything. really, everything. if you can name an object, it's probably there. it has that smell that you expect from an old store or attic, and has creaky floors and peeling plaster--the works. I've never been to a public place quite like it.

I left feeling as though I had to switch gears and snap out of the elsewhere environment. it was bizarre how I felt removed from my day when I got back to my car... I didn't even know what I was supposed to do next, or what my plans had been for the afternoon. I'm sure I'll be thinking about the experience for the next few days!

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